In less than 2 weeks time, Avengers: End Game has broken nearly every box office record. By the time you read this, it will likely have broken the few that remained. Even with my limited knowledge of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe), I understood it and why it’s so popular. You don’t have to be a diehard fan to see and appreciate the care that was put into writing and producing it.
On another front, while probably not breaking any records, Marvel has again invaded the philatelic realm, this time in Great Britain. Less than 2 months before the release of End Game the Royal Mail released a series of 15 Marvel stamps, 10 gummed and 5 self adhesive. If you haven’t seen them, here’s a look.

This stamp pane is split in half for the prestige booklet to create panes #3 and #4
These 5 self adhesive stamps and the surrounding selvage depict the arrival of Thanos on earth and the Avengers who have gathered to oppose him. A little back story is necessary here. Marvels “British Invasion” actually began in 1972 when it set up an office in London and began hiring the top UK creators. Then in October 1976 Marvel introduced Captain Britain. Thus you will understandably see Captain Britain, Union Jack and Peggy Carter featured on the stamps while Captain America is absent.

Above is pane #1 from the prestige booklet. It features a more classic period Doctor Strange in the selvage and a more contemporary one on the lower left stamp.

Pane #2 from the prestige booklet features “Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman” in the selvage and the top left stamp. This pane also features two of the British heros, Peggy Carter on the lower left stamp and Captain Britain on the lower right stamp. While Peggy Carter started out as an American in the early Marvel comics, the MCU re-created her as a British spy in the 2011 movie Captain America: The First Avenger. It should also be noted that the actress who portrays Peggy in the movie, Hayley Atwell, was born in London and has duel British and American citizenship.

The last pane, #5 in the prestige booklet features Captain Marvel on the selvage and 8 Machins surrounding a “Comics Code Authority” sticker. While none of the new Marvel stamps are on this pane, It’s now one of my favorite Machin prestige booklet panes. And personally, In Endgame, I think Brie Larson looked so much more like a Captain Marvel with the new hairdo.
All of the Marvel Comics stamps shown above are available from Royal Mail in a variety of formats from press panes to se-tenant blocks. They also have wide array of ancillary collectable for the Marvel fans. Visit to get yours or for more info.